Breathing Easy

Colin is in the ICU recovering from the installation of a trach tube. He also has a new MRI done this morning and we will discuss the results of that when Dr. Gajjar is back in town next week. Continue reading Breathing Easy

A Room With a Poo

Colin finally found a way to get private digs at the hospital, but the unfortunate price is the contraction of a highly contagious infection. Continue reading A Room With a Poo


Colin may have a budding career as a Geico caveman, or perhaps a more mundane sideshow act as a wolf boy. Continue reading (little)manscaping

New Belly Button

On Monday, Colin had surgery to install a G-tube (a second bionic belly button next to the organic original) and perform a fundoplication, which serves to prevent reflux. Continue reading New Belly Button

Bound for the Big Apple

Today, we made a big decision regarding Colin’s treatment: we will be taking him to New York City for surgery on Wednesday by Dr. Jeffrey Wisoff of NYU. Continue reading Bound for the Big Apple