Colin’s MRI Results… and so Much More

Colin enjoyed three nights on the prowl (i.e. outpatient) before a planned admission on Friday for chemo to start on Saturday. Continue reading Colin’s MRI Results… and so Much More

I’m Considering, I’m Considering…

Colorblind James Experience is much more obscure than Paul Simon, but fortunately they have a MySpace page, so anyone unfamiliar with the band can find their tune “Considering a Move to Memphis” online. Continue reading I’m Considering, I’m Considering…

Levy Butt Paste

The weekend has been eventful in many ways, and Colin now hovers at the brink of the next step in his treatment, installation of the shunt and replacement mediport. Continue reading Levy Butt Paste


Colin may have a budding career as a Geico caveman, or perhaps a more mundane sideshow act as a wolf boy. Continue reading (little)manscaping

Awaiting the G-Tube

On Wednesday, Colin was scheduled to repeat the swallow study, though it was widely thought that he would likely fail. Continue reading Awaiting the G-Tube

Signs and Omens

The unlayering of knowledge and understanding that comes with the process of an unfolding medical situation is distressing, frustrating and immutable. Continue reading Signs and Omens

Post-Surgical Review

Dr. Wisoff gave us a quick post-surgical report, even before surgery was over (Dr. Harter was overseeing the closing procedure). Continue reading Post-Surgical Review