There is no immunity challenge, and Jeff Probst doesn’t sit us around a campfire to discuss who is next to go, but living here is beginning to feel like a warped version of the Survivor reality show. Continue reading Survivor: Target House
Category: Treatment
Happy Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day is billed as an opportunity for fathers and children to express their gratitude for the other 364 days a year that mothers devote to their families. Continue reading Happy Mother’s Day
Winding Down*
Our family’s time at St. Jude is drawing to a close. Continue reading Winding Down*
Operation Radiation
Colin’s final radiation treatments found us at Methodist Central, an adult hospital not far from St. Jude in midtown Memphis. Continue reading Operation Radiation
Reset Button
Colin’s second week of radiation was grueling: vomiting, utter fatigue, dangerous aspiration and an unexpected stay in the hospital. Continue reading Reset Button
Ode to Lady Liberty
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled [brain tissue] yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my [high-energy photon] lamp beside the golden door!” Continue reading Ode to Lady Liberty
Predator vs. Alien
Since finding out about Colin’s blood clot, we have settled into a normal non-medically intense lifestyle punctuated by the possibility of crisis. Continue reading Predator vs. Alien
Sword of Damocles
Colin is always full of surprises and has continued to not disappoint us. Continue reading Sword of Damocles
Prepare the Photon Torpedoes
With the family reunited and Colin enjoying his time out of the hospital, we are getting ready to move on to the next phase of treatment.
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